Friday, March 16, 2007

to do

When you feel like eating clean something gross ie the toilet

Clean your room

Put nail polish on

Put lipstick on (ever tried eating with lipstick?)

Make a book with pictures of models and celebs, that you wish you looked liked. Everytime you're about to binge, look at your Thinsperation book.

Go to pro-ana sites

Learn HTML and make your own site

Drink lots of water

Feed your dog your food

Give yourself a makeover to distract yourself

Call a friend

Study yourself in the mirror

Take a picture of yourself naked and look at it when ever you feel like eating

Watch fat people eat - it will turn you off

Listen to the gross sound of other people eating

Get a job during meal times, to keep your mind off food

Sleep during meal times

No thanks I'm vegan

Fake sick

You will eat more on a darker plate than a lighter plate. Use smaller utensils plates in order to decrease food intake.

If forced to go to a restraunt order something you know you don't like

Brush your teeth often

Chew some food and then spit it out so that you have some flavour in your mouth

Buy thin clothes that are way to small for you, everytime you want to eat put them on

Be vain, we are "too good" to eat that food

And way too good for cheap fast food

Put a picture of your goal body in your wallet, everytime you want to buy some food you will see it

Put all the money you would spend on food in a jar. When it's full go and buy something nice

Go for a walk outside

Garden or water house plants

Email an ana buddy


Get out an excercise or aerobic DVD

Drink Diet Soda

Try some Yoga

Put on a mud mask

Start a diary

Do some dancing

Have a shower or bath

Give yourself a pedicure

Rearrange your furniture

Buy some food and show it off to your family and friends, then feed it to your dog or the home less

Get on the scale

Do crunches

Chew on gum

Suck on some hard candy

Organize your CDs in alphebetical order

Go to a friend's place (but not for dinner)

Suck ice cubes

Hava some mints

Smokes are bad for you, but food is worse

Have a hairband around your wrist, everytime you feel like eating pull it. Food = Pain

Ask yourself before you eat "Do I really need this?"

When you feel like eating pinch your fat rolls

Don't eat be sophisticated

Smell your food to weight loss

Keep a food diary, everytime you are tempted to binge remember that you will have to write it in your diary later

Thats what friends are for :)

Last night i broke up with ryan... yeah he didn't take it to well.... he said i was his world..... bullshit.... he said that we could of talked it out..... but he told me to cut..... not good. i don't know if i can be with him.... i mean i have Justin and Steph.... they care. or at least apper to.

I broke his heart. he said that i was the reason that he was coming back. but i am not a good reason. i don't even feel anymore. i walk around numb. this damn numb feeling. like i don't know what my emotions are. Damn feeling....damn parents... damn past.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kids say the darnest things.....

So when i was with Ryan it was pure lust.... so I broke it off..... today at lunch i get this text.....

FROM: Ryan Gaulding
I don't understand but understand why i say this you inbred whore, go fuck a rusty pipe and cut yourself till you bleed dry because you can't say no one cared.

why in the hell does he think that its OK to send these things....... silly little boys.......... so i guess that he was mature about it all........

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I don't know if that will work but if it does....... Hamsters rock.

I do agree that inmates because animals........

you spin me round.....

RYAN!!!!! god I feel like screaming but i know that no one can hear, well the person that i want to listen wont. I understand that the military is involded and yes I damaged military protety..... but a hickey isn't something that they should be concerned them. There are so many other things in the world going wrong....... wahoo off topic. back to the topic. Ryan. I can't even expel the words out of my mouth. You know it's bad. Hell I know it's bad! The thing is I like him but he's insane! He said that when I was in his arms that he wanted to choke me...... yeah that's a little weird.... but thats not all. He constantly gets mad at the world if i say anything wrong. a person shouldn't be affried to speak words that need to be heard. Our relationship is like a country under war. He is like the A. Hilter and i am left as towns persons who can't live in a country that is underway of dying...... our love is dying. wait.... Love? ha all he has for me is lust and i give into his little whimper and then it morphs into a thing; Pure Lust. no affection. jjust plain and simple lust. I know i need to get out. Damn it I want to get out. Rope please?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Kathleen Green
Mrs. Kelly
College Notetaking
2 March 2007
College research Project
There are so many reasons to go to college; getting a better job. My reasons however are for sense of personal achievement. I once was taught in one of my classes that in order to gain more freedom you must gain more knowledge. After secondary schooling many forget a majority of the things we learn, I, however, do not want that to happen. Many say that college is a waste of money but can you really say education is worthless? I do believe that education is something that is needed to better understand our world.
The college I choose was University of Central Missouri for many reasons. One of the main reasons that I choose this college is because of its location. The college is about 35miles away from Lee’s Summit. It is not far enough to where I would need to take a train to get home but it is far enough to were I know my parents wouldn’t check up on me without me knowing. It is also close enough to where I could walk to the main street. Another reason that I choose this school was because they have trap houses. Trap is one way that I release my anger. It is rare to find a college that has trap. Plus this would give me a job because the houses need to be stocked after every round.
This college is located in Warrensburg, MO (about 35 minutes from Lee’s Summit). They offer associate, bachelor, and master degrees. The only requirements to get into this college is you must have all the needed credits; English four credits, Math three credits, social studies three credits, and science two credits. There are about eight thousand students. The Majority is female.